Sample Blog Post Number Two with Read More Button

Arrange your images as you like and have as much text as you want. In this example there are multiple paragraphs of text, but only the first one is visible until you click on the READ MORE button. This keeps your blog page neat and tidy and allows for shorter scrolls on mobile devices to find the post you are looking to read.
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Video in a blog post
Yes, you can easily embed Youtube videos into your blog posts as well as pictures. All you need is the EMBED code you get by clicking the share button on your video in YouTube. Copy and paste that code in your blog and voila - video in your post.
You can also FEATURE any blog post you want on the home page of your website - Like this one. When you write your post, there is a check box for "featured". Just check it and your post will show both HERE in your blog list AND on your front page. It's that simple! Go Ahead and click back to HOME now and you'll see this post is featured there too.